Trees, trees everywhere, but not a shade from the scortching sun. Well guys, this one's for you - part of it of course ;) The whole two acre's worth of rubber trees, shrubs etc. on a slopy land overlooking IIU.
Soon, these gravel walk will turn into smooth freshly tarred carriageway and those greens be selectively cleared for your tropical-home getaway. i'm standing here with mom who'll have the unenviable task of urbanizing the plot with an EIA-friendly development. Who knows what the future brings, but plan we will. Plenty of work ahead definitely and mom has already began accumulating stackfull of sketches on the design & concept. We're still scratching our head on many things, access road, utilities, land office matters, $$$, etc. Well, if nothing goes as planned, at least you'd have an orchard filled with buah-buahan tempatan... your favourite durian, manggis, pulasan and rambutan to name a few. Anyway, we're having a go at it, let's see something two or three years from now insyaAllah.